The 48 TIMER Festival is a culture festival for the area of Nørrebro. The aim is to strengthen the area to become even a better place, to live and visit for all Copenhageners. For a full weekend we celebrate the wierd, the personal, the geeky and untraditional initiatives, you will find at Nørrebro. The festival content is created by local initiators, artists, organisations, local businesses and residents. The events are geographically scattered across all of Nørrebro.
48TIMER Festival så dagens lys i 2012 i samarbejde med 40 arrangører og op mod 6.000 besøgende. Festivalen har siden da kun vokset sig større, og sidste år bestod programmet af over 100 unikke kulturarrangementer med over 30.000 glade festivalgæster. The festival started as a municipal initiative across the various culture houses in Nørrebro. In 2021 the festival was transferred to the non-profit organization "Foreningen af Blågårds Plads". The festival is still created across the culture houses: Union, Støberiet, Osramhuset, Nørrebrohallen and the group KulturSkaberne. and of cause our team of volunteers.
I 2024 finder festivalen sted i weekenden fra den 10.-12. maj, og vi glæder os til præsentere jer for alt fra musik, kunst, talks, performances og madoplevelser over to hæsblæsende døgn. Fælles for arrangementerne er, at de præsenterer et aspekt af Nørrebros kultur, som ikke er til offentligt skue hver dag. Vi tør godt love, at der er noget for enhver smag!
We would like to give a big and special thanks to all our: partners, sponsors, actors and volunteers!
We are so excited to show and celebrate our lovely Nørrebro with you!